Christopher J. Seeger, PLA, GISP is a Professor and Extension Specialist at Iowa State University. Trained as a landscape architect focusing on spatial and community data, he has integrated his interests of geospatial technologies, collaborative design technologies, crowd-sourcing (Public Participation GIS and Volunteered Geographic Information) and data visualization to develop local and current datasets that can be used as indicators in the community planning, design, and decision making processes. His current research includes the utilization of crowdsourcing technologies to document and model the built environment to create healthy, sustainable communities that include multimodal transportation systems and environments/programs that promote healthy lifestyles. In addition to this research, Professor Seeger leads the development of the ISU Extension and Outreach Indicators Program. This program aims to provide community demographic, health, transportation, and other economic data resources to the public and local decision-makers. Seeger teaches courses in GIS and Web Mapping. He is a licensed landscape architect, certified GIS professional and increasingly finds himself wearing the hat of a spatial data scientist.